Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

24 Hour Turnaround

Archive for the ‘Artwork’ Category

Merchandise: 23rd September 2022

Friday, September 23rd, 2022

It is certainly the case that when you have been to a live music venue,you would be likely to buy a CD or DVD if you have enjoyed the  gig or concert.

It gives you a good memory of a great day or night out.

For a great merchandise option have a look at our CD Colour Card Wallets. They are amazing quality, low price and excellent professional product for you to sell .

Customer cd and card wallet, singers image

You can get an instant price here:



Or if you would like some advice just call us on 01702-530354 or email: una@duplicationcentre.co.uk and we will be very happy to help you.

Live Music: 10th August 2022

Wednesday, August 10th, 2022

We have lots of customers playing at festivals and taking merchandise with them to sell.

Have a look at our Colour Card Wallets as a brilliant option for this; they are very eco-friendly and good size to transport with you.

Most of all they are a lovely low price for you to be able to sell them on at a good price, and still make a tidy profit.

The template for your art is very straight forward and available to download in PDF or Photoshop here:



jazz band in club singing around a lady in evening dress and card wallet retro looking card wallet with bands faces

If you need any advice or help just drop me an email:






Our Card Wallets: 20th July 2022

Wednesday, July 20th, 2022

I thought would just let you know about the extremely low price on our single card wallets.

For the Eco-Friendly Professional  Product at an amazing price you should consider these.

For sales at gigs these are nice and robust ( no platic to break)  and light to transport around, and for posting out to fans or customers these are lightweight, just needing a large letter stamp…possibly a small letter stamp depending on your envelope!


They are printed in colour on 350 gsm Sustainably Sourced and Fsc Certified silk finish card &  you have the option to have these cellobagged for the completely prosessional finish and for sales online.


The template for this is nice and straightforward and you can download it in pdf  from our artwork section here:


It is also available in photoshop in the artwork section.

If you would like to have a sample sent to you  just drop me an email with your postal address:


You can get a price on our instant price calculator here:


An example for you is:  CD, Colour print on body packed in a colour single card wallet is £1.14 per unit ex vat.

So you can sell these for as low as a few pounds and still make a good return.


Stunning CD Onbody Print: 27th June 2022

Monday, June 27th, 2022

One of the things we really enjoy when we are processing , printing and packing your orders , is to see the incredible onbody print designs. Here are just a few from the vast array that we have printed.


spread on table many cd discs bright and colourful onbody printing

Proofing Your Artwork: 30th March 2022

Wednesday, March 30th, 2022

We offer both soft ( electronic) and hard copy proofs to you, free of charge.

Some customers just want to visualise or in the case of a hard copy, see the quality of their order and how it will actually look when printed.

So for example this customer wanted to see the colour match of his disc to the digipak:


CD and printed art on card for proofing colour match

It can be the case that printed parts will not exactly match the colour of the same colour upload, when its printed on a disc…just the fact that they are printed on different mediums can affect the tone of the colour sometimes.

In the case of a hard copy proof we print 2 copies and hold 1 here as a control and post the other to you by Royal Mail.

You then have the option to approve straight away if you are happy with the print or to alter it by uploading new artwork to us.

We will always work with you to get the best result possible for your order.


Not everyone wants or needs this so if you do, just need to mention that you would like this in the notes (which is a free field text section) as you check out.


We have all sorts of other advice in our artwork section here:


Or you can call us on 01702 530354 and we will be happy to help you.

Waterproof Print: 13th January 2022

Thursday, January 13th, 2022

Don’t forget that we offer Waterproof Print at Duplication Centre.

This isn’t laminated paper …it is bespoke high quality completely waterproof and tearproof paper that will endure rain, puddles storms…whatever you throw at it.

It comes in 2 thicknesses 170 and 350 gsm.

They can be ordered as single sheets, ringbound booklets or any configuration you want.

Our website is :


but you can call us for any advice or help at Duplication Centre  on 01702 530354

ringbound booklets in waterproof print for pond dipping and outside activities


A Customer’s Story: 22nd April 2021

Thursday, April 22nd, 2021

At the start of the first lockdown, I was furloughed and wanted to try do a project I had been wanting to do for years but never had the time for. Making a song a day for a whole month. So, I decided to make a song a day for thirty days. I was doing a masters in music innovation at Waterbear in Brighton at the time and thought it would also be interesting to write about for an upcoming essay.

The songs were uploaded daily to my bandcamp and I would post about them every day on social media and it was really lovely having a very small group of people keeping up with the project daily and getting feedback constantly and feeling like I was creating something original.

Anyway, people were asking if I would make a CD, and I wanted to see if I could keep the CD’s in ethos with the project. I had gotten really into the number thirty and I liked the symbolism of having thirty cds for thirty songs. I also loved how each day in the project I had to try create something new and so I wanted each CD to be new and differentand so I liked the idea of painting each one.

In the end it was difficult and challenging but really exciting seeing everyone getting unique CD’s! I also painted a lyric poster for every song so you would get a numbered print and cd. I sold them through Resident Music in brighton and sold out like 6 hours after putting it up for preorder! It was really rewarding.

I then made thirty days 2 and 3 and for the second decided to have the cd’s more conventionally made through your site but had custom badges and for the third I am going to put an order through soon for conventional CD’s again but will be making thirty unique hand made tiny zines with lyrics and drawings in them.

young male customer holding hand painted double card walletwater colour double card wallet hand painted solo project 30 dayshand pained card wallet and colour printed cd covid 19 project

Raf’s story is both inspiring and heart warming.

We love to hear about our customers projects…the more detail the better. It gives us great pleasure to work with cutomers and see the final product that they are achieving.


If you want to speak to us about a project that you may need some advice with drop me an email :

una@duplicationcentre.co.uk or call us on 01702 530354 we would be happy to chat and help you where we can.


If you want more information on Raf Batchelor’s story , you can follow him on FaceBook.


Spring is Here: 25th March 2021

Thursday, March 25th, 2021

We are please to be producing CD’s,DVD’s & BLU-RAY with really hopeful and positive themes.


If you need any advice or help with your project/idea or order just contact us and we will be pleased to help you.

Our phone lines come directly to our production rooms and office, so you can speak to the people who have the expertise you need. If you prefer you can speak to us on “Live Chat” via the home page on the website.

You can of course also email us for help and advice.

You can use any of these addresses:

una@duplicationcentre.co.uk, martin@duplicationcentre.co.uk, support@duplicationcentre.co.uk, help@duplicationcentre.co.uk or  sales@duplicationcentre.co.uk

We look forward to working with you.


spring/autumn nature scene with squirrellcds on spindles with spring scene, lady bird,bees and grasscolourful cds and dvds spread on a table

Lockdown: We are Still Open: 5th November 2020

Thursday, November 5th, 2020

Hi Everyone!

Just to confirm that we are still open for business.

We work under the strictist hygiene regulations and have a courier to deliver orders to your door.

You can order online and upload your art and content safely via WeTransfer on our dedicated site.


persons arm streching through a computer screen to shake hands and help

No need to leave home !!!

We have knowledgeable and friendly  staff here to help if you want to call us: 01702 530354.

Stay Happy & Safe !

Follow Us On Instagram:September 10th 2020

Thursday, September 10th, 2020

We would love you to follow us on Instagram where we share Amazing Artwork and Important News.

Dont miss out on seeing some inspiring, cool, thought provoking and sometimes humerous art from customers; along with Important News and Offers.

Follow us on Instagram..and keep in touch …multi coloured shape logo for instagram app


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