Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

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Archive for the ‘Digital download’ Category

Electronic Uploads: 11th September 2024

Wednesday, September 11th, 2024

We don’t need you to send us a hard copy disc master for your duplication order.

You can upload your content to us via our WeTransfer or via Dropbox or Google Drive.

We will then create a master here to work from .

You can of course send us a master in the post if you still wish to, but make sure you play it before you send it to us to check it plays as it should.

Selling DVD’s in Today’s Marketplace: 20th July 2023

Thursday, July 20th, 2023

If you thought that the end of the DVD is nigh, you might want to think again. Like anything else in life it’s not straight forward anymore, but little nuggets exist under rocks if you seek them out. The question we are often asked is that “people don’t have DVD players anymore” so how can our customer play them?



The above is generally true but, older people still have DVD players and use them, a lot, so don’t ignore this market.


Lots of people still have drives on their main systems so don’t forget they can play DVDs.


X Boxes and PS 3s 4s 5s all play DVDs!

Most households have a gamer – young or old – so don’t miss this and remind your customers!


We enable you to sell you DVD video content online. Instead of buying a DVD, your customer buys a file to download and play.

This is not streaming. This is you selling them the digital file for viewing on any player that supports MP4s so PCs/Macs/Tablets/TVs with that functionality etc see www.thedigitalpublishingcenter.com It’s a self service website and relies on you setting everything up, but once you have done it you are away.


BluRay works beautifully on Gamers Xboxes and PS 3/4/5 too so make sure you don’t miss this.

The key is to make your customers aware of the above.

Uploading to Us : 3rd July 2023

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

It really couldnt be easier to send us your art and content .

We have a dedicated WeTransfer site that allows you to easily send everything to us …at the touch of a few buttons!

We will send you this link when you order and all you do is add your email address, add your order nuber and any notes you wish to say to us then press + to upload. Drop your files and send .


The screen will look like this:




You will be notified when we download them.

As your files are labelled with your order number we can allocate them straight away to your client art file here for checking .


As always if you have any queries please dont hesitiate to call ( 01702 530354 )or email (support@duplicationcentre.co.uk) and we can help with anything you need to ask us about the process.

Digital Publishing:29th April 2022

Friday, April 29th, 2022

Did you know that we offer a platform for you to sell your digital products whether it be music, information or videos from your own website.

We developed this platform originally to give musicians the opportunity to actually make some money from providing a downloadable product …rather than it being free on Spotify. This idea then  snowballed to being developed into something that can be used by anyone who wants their customers to access a product via a download.

So for example we sell Tutorial DVDs , Dance Shows ,Craft Making Lessons….as well as the many Music Tracks , Albums EP’s and DVD’s our customers upload, for their fans to purchase  .

How does this work?

You set up your products and send us your content online or by post.

Your customers purchase your products by download or physical delivery .

Customers check out and pay through our payment facility and the funds go directly to your paypal account .

You pay us a monthly fee depending on the payment plan you choose with us.


If you dont sell anything you dont pay anything.

Have a look here at the website and if you need any more information call us on 01702 530354 and speak to Martin.


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