Archive for the ‘general information’ Category
Thursday, July 20th, 2023
If you thought that the end of the DVD is nigh, you might want to think again. Like anything else in life it’s not straight forward anymore, but little nuggets exist under rocks if you seek them out. The question we are often asked is that “people don’t have DVD players anymore” so how can our customer play them?
The above is generally true but, older people still have DVD players and use them, a lot, so don’t ignore this market.
Lots of people still have drives on their main systems so don’t forget they can play DVDs.
X Boxes and PS 3s 4s 5s all play DVDs!
Most households have a gamer – young or old – so don’t miss this and remind your customers!
We enable you to sell you DVD video content online. Instead of buying a DVD, your customer buys a file to download and play.
This is not streaming. This is you selling them the digital file for viewing on any player that supports MP4s so PCs/Macs/Tablets/TVs with that functionality etc see It’s a self service website and relies on you setting everything up, but once you have done it you are away.
BluRay works beautifully on Gamers Xboxes and PS 3/4/5 too so make sure you don’t miss this.
The key is to make your customers aware of the above.
Tags: advice, duplication, DVD, DVD Duplication, Helpful HInts, merchandise, technology
Posted in advice, communication, Customers, Digital download, Duplication, general information, Helping You Decide, Interest, merchandise, Secrets to selling, technical | Comments Off on Selling DVD’s in Today’s Marketplace: 20th July 2023
Monday, July 3rd, 2023
It really couldnt be easier to send us your art and content .
We have a dedicated WeTransfer site that allows you to easily send everything to us …at the touch of a few buttons!
We will send you this link when you order and all you do is add your email address, add your order nuber and any notes you wish to say to us then press + to upload. Drop your files and send .
The screen will look like this:
You will be notified when we download them.
As your files are labelled with your order number we can allocate them straight away to your client art file here for checking .
As always if you have any queries please dont hesitiate to call ( 01702 530354 )or email ( and we can help with anything you need to ask us about the process.
Tags: advice, artwork, DVD Artwork, Helpful HInts, Technical, technology
Posted in advice, Artwork, Digital download, general information, How To...!, technical, terminology | Comments Off on Uploading to Us : 3rd July 2023
Thursday, June 22nd, 2023
Last week to place your order and use the code FREE4 and get 4 whole units extra free with your order; just add FREE4 in the special code box as you check out.
It doesnt matter what size you order, you can apply this code for any quantity!
Tags: CD Duplication, DVD Duplication, Helpful HInts, news, offers
Posted in communication, Customers, general information, helping you, Offers | Comments Off on FREE 4 OFFER: 22nd June 2023
Tuesday, June 13th, 2023
All the templates for every type of printed part are in our artwork section, along with an artwork creation tool that you can download free of charge.
We are aware however, that even with that help, artwork design can sometimes be a daunting prospect and maybe difficult for you to get just as you want it to be.
We can help with this on several levels; for some it may just be getting the text to sit properly on a spine or for others its everything they need help with!
That’s one of the reasons we’re here !!
Drop me an email ( if you are struggling with creating your artwork or phone in and we can work out the best sort of help we can offer to you.
We will work with you to create the art that you are happy with and offer screenshot proofs along the way to assist you.
Our basic service is £25 plus vat but for jobs that take up lots of our technicians time, it will a bit more, but we will advise you of that , so there are no surprises!
Tags: advice, artwork, customers, design, Design Tips, Disc design, help, printing
Posted in advice, Artwork, Design, general information, helping you, printing | Comments Off on Help with Artwork: 13th June 2023
Tuesday, June 6th, 2023
Just to let you know that we print flyers, leaflets and posters on both silk finish normal printed paper and on waterproof paper!
So if you need any for concerts, gigs or for any other advertising give us a call on 01702 530354 or email :
If it is waterproof you are after check out our Website that is dedicated to this!
Tags: artwork, design, Helpful HInts, merchandise, printing
Posted in Artwork, Duplication, general information, merchandise, printing, waterproof print | Comments Off on Flyers & Posters: 6th June 2023
Tuesday, May 30th, 2023
Our offices and production rooms are back in full production after the Bank Holiday Weekend.
You can place orders online, just go to the Instant Prices Tab & Ordering Tab from the Home Page.
If you need any help with your order or have any questions you can also call and speak to us on 01702 530354.
Or you can email me : and i will be very happy to help.
Tags: advice, CD Duplication, DVD Duplication, General information, Helpful HInts
Posted in advice, Duplication, general information, helping you, opening hours | Comments Off on Back in Full Production: 30th May 2023
Thursday, May 25th, 2023
Our offices are closed from 4pm on Friday 26th May until Tuesday 30th May at 8am.
You can however, still place orders online and upload to during this time.
If there is anything important that we need to now about your order there is a “notes” section as you check out , and you can tell us what we need to know there.
Many of the questions you may have, are answered in the FAQ and you can find this from the home page of the website.
Alternativley you can email and we will reply to you as quickly as we can:
Tags: advice, CD Duplication, customers, DVD Duplication, Helpful HInts, news
Posted in advice, communication, general information, helping you | Comments Off on Bank Holiday Opening Hours: 25th May 2023
Tuesday, May 16th, 2023
We are in the process of emailing our customers with a new offer, and are happy to open this offer to anyone who orders with us.
Add the code FREE4 in the special code box as you check out and we will add 4 full extra units free of charge to your order .
So if you order 100 units you will receive 104 units.
This applies to any order…no matter how small it is!
As always, if you need anyhelp or guidance with your order just email me and i will be happy to help you:
We also have live chat or phone lines where you can speak to Martin,Mark, Jo or myself.
Call on 01702-530 354
Tags: CD Duplication, DVD Duplication, help, news, offers
Posted in general information, helping you, Offers, special offers | Comments Off on FREE OFFER with your order: 16th May 2023
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023
I write this after a comment from a customer on Live Chat.
They asked me are you a real person ? They were so pleased when i responded “Yes!”
Just thought it was worth highlighting that we are real people answering your live chat conversations…and we love chatting to you and helping you in whatever way we can. The chat comes through to our desk top computers so that we can access any information to be able to help you straight away.
Tags: advice, help, live chat, technology
Posted in advice, communication, general information, helping you | Comments Off on Live Chat / Real People: 2nd May 2023