Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

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Archive for the ‘Interest’ Category

We Offer Waterproof Print : 14th May 2024

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024

Just to remind you on this rainy spring day, that we can do posters, leaflets/flyers , maps, business cards, menus anything you need to be waterproof we can print!!

We have two thicknesses of paper 170 and 350 gsm and can go up to A3 print size.

We have  a special offer on our check out of 4 x A3 350gsm Posters for £20 plus vat.

If you order these we will send you a template for your design and dispatch the posters to you , with your order.

You can of course order waterproof print as a stand alone product, and if you need to do this just email Una :


Most importantly the waterproof paper works …….you can’t rip , crease or destroy  it water / rain so it provides a  very eco-friendly product and can be used again and again.

Selling DVD’s in Today’s Marketplace: 20th July 2023

Thursday, July 20th, 2023

If you thought that the end of the DVD is nigh, you might want to think again. Like anything else in life it’s not straight forward anymore, but little nuggets exist under rocks if you seek them out. The question we are often asked is that “people don’t have DVD players anymore” so how can our customer play them?



The above is generally true but, older people still have DVD players and use them, a lot, so don’t ignore this market.


Lots of people still have drives on their main systems so don’t forget they can play DVDs.


X Boxes and PS 3s 4s 5s all play DVDs!

Most households have a gamer – young or old – so don’t miss this and remind your customers!


We enable you to sell you DVD video content online. Instead of buying a DVD, your customer buys a file to download and play.

This is not streaming. This is you selling them the digital file for viewing on any player that supports MP4s so PCs/Macs/Tablets/TVs with that functionality etc see www.thedigitalpublishingcenter.com It’s a self service website and relies on you setting everything up, but once you have done it you are away.


BluRay works beautifully on Gamers Xboxes and PS 3/4/5 too so make sure you don’t miss this.

The key is to make your customers aware of the above.

Understanding the Terminology in Duplication: Part 2: Audio & Video Files:20th March 2023

Monday, March 20th, 2023
This is the second part of our terminilogy articles, which are explaining some of the commonly used terms in the duplication process, and relate specifically to Audio and Video files.

Audio Files:

Unlike the disc image formats above, these are just individual audio files used by computers. They require ‘Authoring’ to a disc. Authoring a CD means taking the audio (in any of the formats) and writing it into a format and structure a simple CD player can understand and play


These are high quality audio files, very similar to standard CD-Audio. This is a very common format used in recording studios .



AIFF is practically identical to WAV, but this format was developed by Apple in the late 80’s. Another very common format in recording studios.



This is a digital music format created for sending audio over the internet. The great attraction of the MP3 format is its ability to compress files, allowing them to use much less space. Technically lower quality than the above audio formats, but not really in any noticeable way



The Free Lossless Audio Codec. This is a newer format which is able to compress audio to take up space just like an MP3, but does so in a ‘lossless’ way. This means the audio quality should not be degraded  in any way, but the file size will be noticeably smaller. A useful format that has only seen uptake in technical and audiophile community.


Video Files:

This section may appear a bit short, but I had to draw the line somewhere.  There are a very large number of video formats that have existed over the years, far too many to discuss here. In practice there are 2 very common ones.

All video formats will require ‘Authoring’ to make a standard DVD-Video disc (OR a Blu-Ray-Video disc) to be player in a standard player.  Simply burning a video file on a disc will not necessarily allow it to play in a standard player.


A modern high quality video format widely used in consumer and professional markets.


Another modern high quality video format widely used in consumer and professional markets. Developed by Apple.

Boy George in the Jungle: 21st November 2022

Monday, November 21st, 2022

As a regular customer of our Replication Centre Business we are all rooting for Boy George to become King of the Jungle in this years I’m a Celebrity!


cd boy george

Stunning CD Onbody Print: 27th June 2022

Monday, June 27th, 2022

One of the things we really enjoy when we are processing , printing and packing your orders , is to see the incredible onbody print designs. Here are just a few from the vast array that we have printed.


spread on table many cd discs bright and colourful onbody printing

Martins new release: 25th March 2022

Friday, March 25th, 2022

We are very proud to tell you that last week our MD Martin Johnson had two tracks from his recordings released on Vinyl & CD

The tracks are part of a double CD and Vinyl compilation of Jazz Dance Fusion.Jazz Dance Fusion CD and Vinyl


Gone Fishing: 7th January 2022

Friday, January 7th, 2022

We are very proud to work with Bonnier Books on the production of the Audio CD for the series broadcast on BBC2 called Gone Fishing with Paul Whitehouse and Bob Mortimer.

These are still available to purchase and are a really funny extended audio version of the days spent fishing together,in various locations in the UK.

cd digipaks of Bob Mortimor and Paul Whitehouse gone fishing two comedians with fishing rod pulling funny faces

Bonnier Books are promoters of great and absorbing audio books .

Its worth having a look at their new titles available in hard copy book format as well as audio cd digpaks.



A near-death experience made me a top musician: 21st September 2021

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021

The article below tracks the story of Tony Kofi, highly acclaimed saxophonist and how he became a top musician.



I found it an inspiring read.

Live Music Is Back: 10th September 2021

Friday, September 10th, 2021


Its wonderful to be able to go to live music events again!


Follow the link for a dedicated fans story of what live music means .

singer clapping on stage , audience clapping happy muic gig

We Offer Waterproof Printing: 24th August 2021

Tuesday, August 24th, 2021

I thought it was worth reminding our customers that at Duplication Centre we also specialise in Waterproof Print.


Using our State of the Art Richo Pro C7100sx we produce waterproof print in 300 gsm and 170 gsm for outdoor pursuits,outdoor cafes & restaurants, aqua sport and other marine needs, maps, walking & hiking, leaflets & flyers….and the occasional poster for a lost cat!!!

I have to add in here, post Covid pandemic, that our waterproof stock is perfect for any use that you have where you need to constanty wipe or clean the paper.

We are proud to say that among our customers we have the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds who use our waterproof books in their bird hides and pond dipping areas where wipeable paper is essential.

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