Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

24 Hour Turnaround

Archive for the ‘music’ Category

We can send your CD’s & DVD’s straight to your customers: 24th July 2020

Friday, July 24th, 2020
Your CD/DVD/Blu-ray Orders
Produced & Delivered
on Demand

Upload your CD/DVD/Blu-ray masters & artwork:

  • Orders produced instantly on demand
  • Shipped globally to your customers
  • Seamlessly managed through our “invisible” service

Interested & would like to find out more?

Visit our website:


Make More Money From Your Music: July 17th 2020

Friday, July 17th, 2020

In the covid world, with less opportunities for live music income, artists are looking for  new opportunities to earn money.

Here’s an idea that will make you money.

Go back to all of your albums and release special versions only available on cd ….. the key here is not to upload this to

Spotify. You then give your fans a reason to buy your album!

Ideas to make it exclusive include:

For the Audio:

1.New tracks not on the original album

2.Remixes previously unreleased


4.Live versions

5.Instrumental versions

6. Lockdown Sessions

  • You can also make the album art unique and desirable in itself.
  • Many albums of course have the lyrics but what about explaining to your fans the background to how / why it was written
  • Anything that makes it interesting…. that you can’t get on Spotify for free!
  • Hope this helps to make you money let us know your success stories .

To help you even more add FREE4 in the special code box as you check out and we will give you 4 extra units free of charge.

You can check out our prices on the instant price calculator here:


Without Venues We’re Nothing: June 12th 2020

Friday, June 12th, 2020

I was struck by the title of  a CD that we duplicated for a customer this week:

“Without Venues We’re Nothing”…  although we are living in a digital age of downloads and streaming nothing will ever beat a live musical performance whether it be a local gig or West End Musical.

We all look forward to happier times when we will all be able to enjoy these again.singer clapping on stage , audience clapping happy muic gig

CD Audio Time Capacity: 24th April 2020

Friday, April 24th, 2020

A standard CD Audio will hold 80 minutes of sound…hope this helps when you decide how many tracks to put on your album.

https://emessy pile of cds in cellowrap for customer salen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_disc

Stay Safe & Well:17th April 2020

Friday, April 17th, 2020

As life slows down for a little longer it may be a good time to get out some of your best loved CD’s & DVD’s.Happy Singer with headphones smiling,music notes in the air

You can spend some relaxing and enjoyable time listening and watching !pile of cds the Hi-Fi headphones on standing on a vintage reel of audio tape

Easter at Duplication Centre: 9th April 2020

Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Hello Everyone.

Just to let you know that although we close the office for the Easter break you can still get a quote & order online .

You can upload your art and content to us so we can get to work straight after the Easter break (Tuesday 14th April),this way your order will not be held up.

Visit the website to get a quote and also to download our free artwork creation tool.


open 4 page lancing pack with picture of countryside and a man and a womanCard wallet with cd picture of a girl with long hair and autumnal tree behind hergreean easter cross with yellow flowers placed across it

Helping The NHS: 25th March 2020

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

We are proud to supply DVD’s to the NHS for rehabilitation of cardiac patients, who cannot have hospital appointments due to the Covid 19 Virus.

cardiac exercise DVD's in plastic wallets for the NHS side by side

Call us if you think we can help your business in any way on 01702 530354.


Brand New Music Platform: 6th March 2020

Friday, March 6th, 2020

We are pleased to let you know about a brand new music platform launched recently by a Star Globe.

Thestarglobe.com is Brand new social media tailored for the music industry.

You can network with other artists & producers, discover recording studios, music venues, music video services locally or globally and much more!

Check out the link below to see and learn about this new venture…..


Talk to Us: Feb 7th 2020

Friday, February 7th, 2020

It’s nearly three years now since we moved our phone lines from a Call Centre, to taking your calls directly here at our office and production rooms.

This has meant better and quicker service for our customers who can get speak to experienced and knowledgeable staff straight away .

We have found this more hands on approach in the company has led to us getting to know our customers needs and requirements more, and so provide an even faster response when you most need help .

We love to advise and help with new customer enquiries sharing our wealth of experience  to help you get the right product.short haired lady ,enormous smile with headset ready to chat

Call us on 01702 530354 and let us help you with your CD, DVD or BLU-RAY duplication or you can chat to us online if you prefer, just go to our homepage and click the chat icon in the bottom right corner to call us online.


Blue background with speech bubble in white

Chat Online


The Beauty of Music: 29th Jan 2020

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

Music is the Universal Language of Mankind…how true this is!!!

With or without lyrics music can be enjoyed by any person of any nationality!

stage with musician playing keyboards and singing in a heartfelt way

Keep playing and enjoying your music!

Maybe even take up a new instrument!

It’s so interesting to read the wealth of good that can come from learning a new instrument.

Have a look at the web-site below




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