This is just a reminder that we have massively dropped the prices on all our Card Products.
As venues start to reopen we want to give you a helping hand to stock up on your merchandise, and at the same time promote our Eco-Friendly Card Products.
These include:
Single Card Wallets
Double Card Wallets
4 Page Lancing Packs
4 Page Digi-Paks
Check out these products and prices on our instant price calculator via this link or by returning to the home page :
We can’t be beaten on Quality or Price; all our card is Premium 300/350 gsm Pro Stock & is Die Cut for an immaculate finish.

Tags: advice, artwork, BluRay, CD Duplication, customers, DVD Duplication, eco friendly, Environment, help, Helpful HInts, live music, lockdown, Music, packaging, printing, publish, selling
This entry was posted on Thursday, June 3rd, 2021 at 7:55 am and is filed under advice, Customers, general information, helping you, Helping You Decide, Interest, live music, Lockdown, Make some money, music, prices, Selling Your Music, special offers. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed. Edit this entry.