Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

24 Hour Turnaround

Archive for April, 2020

CD Audio Time Capacity: 24th April 2020

Friday, April 24th, 2020

A standard CD Audio will hold 80 minutes of sound…hope this helps when you decide how many tracks to put on your album.

https://emessy pile of cds in cellowrap for customer salen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_disc

Stay Safe & Well:17th April 2020

Friday, April 17th, 2020

As life slows down for a little longer it may be a good time to get out some of your best loved CD’s & DVD’s.Happy Singer with headphones smiling,music notes in the air

You can spend some relaxing and enjoyable time listening and watching !pile of cds the Hi-Fi headphones on standing on a vintage reel of audio tape

Easter at Duplication Centre: 9th April 2020

Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Hello Everyone.

Just to let you know that although we close the office for the Easter break you can still get a quote & order online .

You can upload your art and content to us so we can get to work straight after the Easter break (Tuesday 14th April),this way your order will not be held up.

Visit the website to get a quote and also to download our free artwork creation tool.


open 4 page lancing pack with picture of countryside and a man and a womanCard wallet with cd picture of a girl with long hair and autumnal tree behind hergreean easter cross with yellow flowers placed across it

Working for Local Councils: 2nd April 2020

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

We are still working and taking online orders, and are able to advise and chat to customers by phone, email and live chat.

We are duplicating vital DVDs for the NHS and for Local Councils.

Blue and Green striped DVD with council of Adur & Worthing logo and text about getting active with phone number to call

Exercise at Home

If you need our services call Martin, Una or Mark on 01702 530354 or visit the Website :


We are here to help you.

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