Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

24 Hour Turnaround

Posts Tagged ‘CD Duplication’

Still time For Christmas Orders: 12th Dec 2019

Friday, December 13th, 2019

You still have time to place your orders with us and receive them before Christmas.

christmas tree and bauble on cd disc with festive lights

We have an incredibly fast turnaround time and will always help with a rush order if we can.

Give us a call on 01702 530354 or visit the instant price calculator to place your order:


CD’s,DVD’s & BLU-RAY’s for CHRISTMAS: 5th December 2019

Thursday, December 5th, 2019

Still time to stock up or buy for the first time CD’s, DVD’s & Blu-Ray’s to sell at Christmas Gigs and Productions.

Last date to get your master and art to us for your order to arrive before Christmas is Midday on Thursday 19th December.

We are always happy to help you out if we can, with tight deadlines …call us on 01702 530354 and see if we can help you.cds on a table varoius christmas prints all festiveSmiling lady with red dress and christmas tree in the backgroundred cd with christmas baubles in plastic case

Father Christmas with arms open and a beautiful Christmas tree next to him

Time to Reflect & Remember: 8th Nov. 2019

Friday, November 8th, 2019

Each year the whole country stops to remember those who have lost their lives in conflict over the centuries.

We are always very touched to see how many people use CDS and DVDs to raise money and remember the lost and those who still grieve for them.


.Remberance sunday dvd with poppysuniformed world war 1 soldier printed on cd card wallet

rembrance cd soldier in field of poppies

For the Fallen

At Duplication Centre we stop to remember them.

Incredible Artwork Design: 31st October 2019

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

Highlighting some amazing customer design.

This single card wallet and cd onbody printing are so seamless its hard to see where each start and finish.

pastal colour design of cd art slipping in to a crd wallet with the exact same design rain droplet on a leaf


Go to our free online artwork creation tool and the templates that are easy to download to help you with you with your design.


Plan Ahead: 23rd October 2019

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019

Hi Everyone,

Now is the time to start planning for your Christmas Sales of DVDs and CDs…it’s a great time to raise money for your bands funds, for Schools or Charity.

Give us a call and we can chat you through timings and ideas for the best selling packages for you.


We do however work right up to the week before Christmas and are always here to help with a rush job if we can.

School Christmas DVDs over 5 years of productions with childrens artwork covers


Support Musicians….. 11th Oct 2019

Friday, October 11th, 2019

In the growing age of Streaming Music & TV services  by companies like Spotify, Amazon, Netflix & YouTube we have seen very little change in the purchase of Hard Copy CD’s ,DVD’s & Blu-Rays here at Duplication Centre.


At a concert in London last year we chatted to the members of Accousic Alchemy after their set at Pizza Express Dean Street.

Did you know how little the artists make when you download or listen to them via streaming…its appauling…..next to nothing!!…so we bought one of their cds and they signed it for us …that’s the way to show your appreciation to musicians!!

We encourage you to still do the same….build up your collection in hard copy as well as digital download…..buy a hard copy at a festival or gig or music shop and lets really support musicians!

Man with headphone in music shop looking at cds and dvdsImpulse-based selling: a daily routine for packaged media and a challenge for online retailers?





Merchandising: 27th September 2019

Friday, September 27th, 2019

Merchandising is a great way to contribute to your funds!!

Whether it be from DVD’s and BluyRay with the Season Review of Premiership Football or Solo Artist CD’s we always use professional discs, printed parts and cases so your product is the best it can be for your audience.

Our packers take great care to make sure your CD’s/DVD’s or BluRay are presented as best they can be.

footballers in stripe shirts with their arms raised in celebration, all smilingfootballers in stripe shirts with their arms raised and smilingopen 4 page lancing pack with picture of countryside and a man and a woman

Recycling Discs: 13th September 2019

Friday, September 13th, 2019

However hard you try, in production of orders we do sometimes have spoilt print or rejected burns from our machines.

That means we have unusable discs, which we always try to recycle in some way.

Just one wonderful use for a recycled CD/DVD !!


man with glasses and moustashe trimming it with scissors using a cd as a mirror


Love The Diversity: 22nd August 2019

Thursday, August 22nd, 2019
woman in bikini stretching full of life

Back Pain Instructional DVD

Whilst posting on Social Media I reflected on the huge diverstity of customers we have at Duplication Centre.

Its fantastic that we can work with so many interesting customers:

Instructional DVD’s for a whole host of topics: Fishing,Pilates, Back Pain Cure, Painting, Guitar tuition…. to name but a few.

CDs for School, CDs for both Solo Artists and Bands, Gospel Music, Prayer Casts, Self Help CDs, Mediation CD’s, Blank DVD’s for Photographers & Videographers,Theatre Prodcutions,University Graduation Ceremonies, Buskers, Fund raising/charity CDs.

blonde ladies face, photographers name

Each project has its own special interest and purpose and makes our work both interesting and fulfilling.

Call us if you need help or advice with your project or get an instant quotation online:


Jargon Buster Part 2 – Artwork Files: 16th July 2019

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

This article is the second in our series to help you understand some of the terminology used in the duplication process

Artwork Files:

Beware, we are now moving into the area of artwork and the word image no linger relates to a disc image! When talking about artwork, and image is simply a picture, a graphic or photograph



PDF stands for “portable document format.” Adobe Systems designed this format, which has become the standard for exchanging electronic documents. Its a very complex and powerful format used extensively in artwork design and printing, perfect for supplying your artwork supporting the other artwork formats below, as well as special print formats, colours and vector graphics.



These image formats are ideal for photos and similar images containing many colours offering good quality and acceptable sizes are possible. The quality / file size of a jpeg can be altered through the use of compression.

The three formats all vary slightly in the way they apply compression to the images, each with its own advantages. For printing its best to keep the compression at a minimum so the files are larger and better quality.



This format is only used by the graphics programs Photoshop. The files are generally large and contain lots of additional information and layers which are not needed for print. The complexity of the files make them perfect for editing and designing, BUT not ideal for printing. You should save your artwork to PDF or JPEG when ready to submit for printing.

To learn more about artwork formats this article is a good place to start, offering beginner guides to the various types: Further information on artwork formats.



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