Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

24 Hour Turnaround

Posts Tagged ‘CD Duplication’

CD & DVD Replication: 19th May 2022

Thursday, May 19th, 2022

Apart from our in house duplication services, we also offer CD & DVD replication which we outsource to an amazing company in the Czech Republic.

We have worked with them for nearly 20 years bringing professional high quality replication to our customers.

If you are not sure of the difference between the two processes we have details in our FAQ on this but some of the main differences are: quantities each process excels at, the speed of turnaround, price and most importantly the process used to put your art and content on to the discs.


Duplication offers fast turnaround (24 hour), digital printing and burning of content from quantities of 1-1000 , whereas replication will only print 500+ quantities and is done using a glass master which stamps the data on to the disc.This takes 10-15 working days.

Brexit did initially give us a few headaches with importing but we have this all in hand now as we pay the customs fees as soon as we know the order is in the UK.

If you need 500 + discs and have time on your side give us a call or have a look at the prices on our site.




Our Prices: 9th May 2022

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Just to let you know that despite rising costs from most of our wholesalers, we are keeping the prices we charge you, the same as 2021!


We want you to be able to make some money from the sale of your CD’s, DVD’s and Blu-Ray and the best way we can help with that is by not passing the price increase on to you. So we have kept our prices the same as last year.

Check out the pricing on all our products and you can also be assured that you will receive high quality, fully professional standard products, to sell to your customers.

If you need any help or advice just call us on 01702 530354 , live chat from the website or email me :


We will be very happy to help you.

Back in Full Production Today: 3rd May 2022

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022

Good Morning,

Hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend!

We are back in full production this morning from 8am .

Our phone lines and live chat are open to take your calls.


Office setting with multiple computer screens,man with headset speaking to customer

Selling Your CD’s and DVD’s: 7th April 2022

Thursday, April 7th, 2022

We are finding that more and more, selling your CD’s  in hard copy at live venues and gigs of any kind, is a vital source of income for artists.

For musicians it is usually just audio CD that they sell, but an idea worth considering is a live DVD as well.

Not many bands sell DVDs at music gigs and would be a very different and exciting piece of merchandise.

You can have a DVD in a single card wallet …just like a CD…so it is no more expensive to produce here..just few pence more for the disc.

You can get an instant price here:


Or you can call and chat to us for help and advice on 01702 530354.

We look forward to speaking to you.

singer clapping on stage , audience clapping happy muic gig

Proofing Your Artwork: 30th March 2022

Wednesday, March 30th, 2022

We offer both soft ( electronic) and hard copy proofs to you, free of charge.

Some customers just want to visualise or in the case of a hard copy, see the quality of their order and how it will actually look when printed.

So for example this customer wanted to see the colour match of his disc to the digipak:


CD and printed art on card for proofing colour match

It can be the case that printed parts will not exactly match the colour of the same colour upload, when its printed on a disc…just the fact that they are printed on different mediums can affect the tone of the colour sometimes.

In the case of a hard copy proof we print 2 copies and hold 1 here as a control and post the other to you by Royal Mail.

You then have the option to approve straight away if you are happy with the print or to alter it by uploading new artwork to us.

We will always work with you to get the best result possible for your order.


Not everyone wants or needs this so if you do, just need to mention that you would like this in the notes (which is a free field text section) as you check out.


We have all sorts of other advice in our artwork section here:


Or you can call us on 01702 530354 and we will be happy to help you.

Special Offer: 17th February 2022

Thursday, February 17th, 2022

Just a reminder that you have two more weeks to order with our special code FREE4.

Then we will add four full units free of charge to your order.

Just put FREE4 in the special code box as you check out!

If you need any help with your order just give us a call on 01702 530354, come on live chat or email : una@duplicationcentre.co.uk and we will be very happy to help and advise you.

short haired lady ,enormous smile with headset ready to chat

Vibe of the Week:24th January 2022

Monday, January 24th, 2022

As we approach the end of January i saw this short reflection and thought it was worth sharing:


Try to take life day by day, so that you don’t become overwhelmed.

Yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet.

Be grateful for the little things.

Enjoy nature.

And try not to get stressed over things you can’t control.

young female face contented happy

We’ll help you maintain this with our professional CD, DVD & BLU-RAY duplication.

Real people here to help you with your project every step of the way.

Call or email us for advice:

01702 530354


We look forward to working with you!

Gone Fishing: 7th January 2022

Friday, January 7th, 2022

We are very proud to work with Bonnier Books on the production of the Audio CD for the series broadcast on BBC2 called Gone Fishing with Paul Whitehouse and Bob Mortimer.

These are still available to purchase and are a really funny extended audio version of the days spent fishing together,in various locations in the UK.

cd digipaks of Bob Mortimor and Paul Whitehouse gone fishing two comedians with fishing rod pulling funny faces

Bonnier Books are promoters of great and absorbing audio books .

Its worth having a look at their new titles available in hard copy book format as well as audio cd digpaks.



Recycling at Duplication Centre: 8th December 2021

Wednesday, December 8th, 2021

Chatting to a customer yesterday made me think about how much we are able to recycle and be eco-friendly, even in our industry which has traditionally been very plastic orientated.

We have promoted all our Eco-friendly products for some years and we only use FSC Certified and Sustainable Card and Paper.

In addition to that we recycle all incoming supplies boxes and use them to double box and protect our outgoing orders.

Our general ethos is to try to recycle anything we can …from bubble bags, & boxes to over-run discs / spoiled discs.

All of this makes sense to protect our environment and makes great business sense too .

Let me know if you have any other ideas that we can adopt ,which maybe i havent thought of !

Email me : una@duplicationcentre.co.uk

Brown recycled cardboard box with green recycing symbol around it


We Will Remember Them: 14th November 2021

Sunday, November 14th, 2021

We pause to remember and pay tribute to those who have lost their lives in conflict !

We pray for the families still affected by the tragedy of war.

rembrance cd soldier in field of poppies

For the Fallen

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