Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

24 Hour Turnaround

Posts Tagged ‘design’

Lockdown Sessions: 15th May 2020

Friday, May 15th, 2020

White cd disc with words printed in black LOCKDOWN music recorded during covid 19 virusWonderful title for an album recorded during a time that we won’t forget!

Plan Ahead: 23rd October 2019

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019

Hi Everyone,

Now is the time to start planning for your Christmas Sales of DVDs and CDs…it’s a great time to raise money for your bands funds, for Schools or Charity.

Give us a call and we can chat you through timings and ideas for the best selling packages for you.


We do however work right up to the week before Christmas and are always here to help with a rush job if we can.

School Christmas DVDs over 5 years of productions with childrens artwork covers


Jargon Buster Part 2 – Artwork Files: 16th July 2019

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

This article is the second in our series to help you understand some of the terminology used in the duplication process

Artwork Files:

Beware, we are now moving into the area of artwork and the word image no linger relates to a disc image! When talking about artwork, and image is simply a picture, a graphic or photograph



PDF stands for “portable document format.” Adobe Systems designed this format, which has become the standard for exchanging electronic documents. Its a very complex and powerful format used extensively in artwork design and printing, perfect for supplying your artwork supporting the other artwork formats below, as well as special print formats, colours and vector graphics.



These image formats are ideal for photos and similar images containing many colours offering good quality and acceptable sizes are possible. The quality / file size of a jpeg can be altered through the use of compression.

The three formats all vary slightly in the way they apply compression to the images, each with its own advantages. For printing its best to keep the compression at a minimum so the files are larger and better quality.



This format is only used by the graphics programs Photoshop. The files are generally large and contain lots of additional information and layers which are not needed for print. The complexity of the files make them perfect for editing and designing, BUT not ideal for printing. You should save your artwork to PDF or JPEG when ready to submit for printing.

To learn more about artwork formats this article is a good place to start, offering beginner guides to the various types: Further information on artwork formats.



Join Us On Instagram: 20th June 2019

Thursday, June 20th, 2019

multi coloured shape logo for instagram appWe have started to share Amazing Artwork and Important News on Instagram.

Dont miss out on seeing some inspiring and cool art from customers along with Important News and Offers.

Follow us on Instagram..and keep in touch …



We love it when our customers share a picture or video of their order with us! 14th February 2019

Thursday, February 14th, 2019

Click here to see a short customer video.

Colour CD packed in a Plastic Wallet with a 2 Sided Card Insert.


Printed Parts Are Important

Tuesday, September 4th, 2018

All of our customers are producing a CD,DVD or Blu-Ray to communicate Audio and/or Visual, Music, Spoken Word, Information or Performances to their audience/customers. This is the main event!

With a physical CD, DVD or Blu-Ray however there is another dimension/medium available to express visually in Word, Picture and Images through the use of printed covers and booklet inserts. This recruits yet another of our senses and gives an additional aesthetic dimension to your product. For most customers this is a really important feature of the duplication process and for many is not just the imparting of information, but another expression of art.

Our clients can spend a great deal of time designing artwork for their orders so with this in mind we invest in a State of the Art printer technology which is second to none for print production.

We only use the highest quality card and paper on all the associated printed parts that come with CD, DVD and Blu-Ray Production.

How often have you pulled out a CD/DVD booklet that is thin and shoddy quality? We know that you want your duplication order to be of a professional standard so we only use card that is 350gsm and 170gsm papers. These are good to handle and allow the print quality to show at its best. Your carefully planned project deserves no less than the highest quality printed parts and that is what we provide.

We also manage to remain Eco-friendly whilst maintaining this high quality by using FSC certified sustainable stock for our printing 🙂

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