Posts Tagged ‘DVD’
Thursday, July 20th, 2023
If you thought that the end of the DVD is nigh, you might want to think again. Like anything else in life it’s not straight forward anymore, but little nuggets exist under rocks if you seek them out. The question we are often asked is that “people don’t have DVD players anymore” so how can our customer play them?
The above is generally true but, older people still have DVD players and use them, a lot, so don’t ignore this market.
Lots of people still have drives on their main systems so don’t forget they can play DVDs.
X Boxes and PS 3s 4s 5s all play DVDs!
Most households have a gamer – young or old – so don’t miss this and remind your customers!
We enable you to sell you DVD video content online. Instead of buying a DVD, your customer buys a file to download and play.
This is not streaming. This is you selling them the digital file for viewing on any player that supports MP4s so PCs/Macs/Tablets/TVs with that functionality etc see It’s a self service website and relies on you setting everything up, but once you have done it you are away.
BluRay works beautifully on Gamers Xboxes and PS 3/4/5 too so make sure you don’t miss this.
The key is to make your customers aware of the above.
Tags: advice, duplication, DVD, DVD Duplication, Helpful HInts, merchandise, technology
Posted in advice, communication, Customers, Digital download, Duplication, general information, Helping You Decide, Interest, merchandise, Secrets to selling, technical | Comments Off on Selling DVD’s in Today’s Marketplace: 20th July 2023
Thursday, April 7th, 2022
We are finding that more and more, selling your CD’s in hard copy at live venues and gigs of any kind, is a vital source of income for artists.
For musicians it is usually just audio CD that they sell, but an idea worth considering is a live DVD as well.
Not many bands sell DVDs at music gigs and would be a very different and exciting piece of merchandise.
You can have a DVD in a single card wallet …just like a CD…so it is no more expensive to produce here..just few pence more for the disc.
You can get an instant price here:
Or you can call and chat to us for help and advice on 01702 530354.
We look forward to speaking to you.

Tags: advice, CD Duplication, DVD, DVD Duplication, Helpful HInts, live music, Music, selling
Posted in advice, Customers, general information, helping you, live music, Make some money, music, Secrets to selling, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on Selling Your CD’s and DVD’s: 7th April 2022
Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
Revive Innovations are a start up company in Bristol .
They produce a new signature material called RE-CD which uses our waste discs to produce a new beautiful & robust material.
This is then manufactured using common workshop tools and processes into peices of furniture, jewellery and many other products. Production has low emissions and products are repairable and reprocessable.
The finish on products is sanded and polished to either a matt or gloss finish.
It is made from 100% recycled discs whether they are Cds, Dvds or Blu-Ray.
The physical properties of RE-CD is durable, hardwearing and temperature resistant.
The end product is a unique sustainable composite material.
Have a look …what they are doing there is amazing!
Tags: CD, DVD, eco friendly, Environment, Recycling, technology
Posted in general information, helping others, New Technology, Recycling, The Environment | Comments Off on Recycling Our Waste Discs: 9th March 2022
Monday, February 28th, 2022
We are delighted, in fact over the moon, to partner with Revive Innovations to recycle our waste discs.
For a long time we have struggled to find a viable long term way of recycling discs.
We build up unwanted discs when, for example a machine does a “bad” print or our burners reject a disc.
Over time these mount up and apart from a few small projects, we have never found anywhere to recycle these on a longterm basis.
More news next week on Revive Innovations and the new life breathed in to our rejected discs.

Tags: CD, DVD, eco friendly, Environment, help, Recycling
Posted in general information, helping others, New Technology, Recycling, The Environment | Comments Off on Recycling Our Waste Discs: 28th February 2022
Thursday, February 11th, 2021
Xbox Sales have rocketed during the pandemic and subsequent lockdown:
It’s well worth remembering that on Xbox One you can also play DVD’s, especially as there are less people buying DVD players as seperate units.
The X Box one comes with an optical Drive that can be used to play not only DVD’s but also Blu-Ray.

Tags: advice, BluRay, DVD, Helpful HInts, selling online, technology
Posted in communication, general information, Helping You Decide, New Technology | Comments Off on Xbox Sales Boom: 11th February 2021
Friday, July 24th, 2020
Your CD/DVD/Blu-ray Orders
Produced & Delivered
on Demand
Upload your CD/DVD/Blu-ray masters & artwork:
- Orders produced instantly on demand
- Shipped globally to your customers
- Seamlessly managed through our “invisible” service
Interested & would like to find out more?
Visit our website:
Tags: advice, CD, CD Duplication, customers, DVD, DVD Duplication, fulfilment, help, Helpful HInts, Mp3, Music, selling, selling online
Posted in Customers, helping you, music, New Technology, Secrets to selling, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on We can send your CD’s & DVD’s straight to your customers: 24th July 2020
Thursday, July 9th, 2020
Sell Your Digital Products
From Your Website
Pay As You Go
If you don’t sell anything you don’t pay anything.
No monthly subscription.
- Sign up for free and upload your content to our servers
- Copy the code we provide to create buy buttons
- Use the buy buttons on your website/emails/social media
- Your customer orders and pays via PayPal
- All the money goes straight into your PayPal Account
- We action the digital delivery to your customer
- Commission on sales 10% billed monthly
- If you don’t sell anything – we don’t bill you anything
- If you haven’t got a website, we create one for you for free
All you need is customers who want to buy your products and a PayPal account.
Interested? Have a look at our website
Tags: advice, CD, DVD, help, Helpful HInts, Music, selling, selling online, Technical
Posted in communication, Customers, How To...!, New Technology, Secrets to selling, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on Sell Your Products Digitally:9th July 2020
Friday, May 22nd, 2020

For Over 60’s
We have been duplicating some great DVD’s which are being sold on Amazon by one of our customers.
There are multiple titles where you can experience & learn the arts of Tai Chi & Qi Gong. There is a DVD title for all ages and abilities, just two of them are featured here…they are worth checking out while gyms are still closed.

Tags: advice, DVD, DVD Duplication, exercise, fitness, Helpful HInts, homeworkout, selling online
Posted in communication, Customers, Exercise, Fitness, helping you | Comments Off on Fitness at Home: 22nd May 2020
Friday, May 15th, 2020
Wonderful title for an album recorded during a time that we won’t forget!
Tags: CD, CD Duplication, cds, customers, design, DVD, DVD Duplication, Helpful HInts, Music, selling online
Posted in communication, Customers, Design, helping you, Interest | Comments Off on Lockdown Sessions: 15th May 2020
Friday, May 1st, 2020
A lovely lady from the Physical Health & Rehabilitation Psychology Department at NHS North Cumbria called us last week to ask for help for patients who are currently not allowed into hospital and don’t have the facility for streaming or downloads…but do have DVD players.
We have worked with her to produce at DVD9 Living Well Group Video that she can send in the post to all these patients.
If you need to know anything about the NHS and Covid 19 you can follow this link:
Tags: charity, covid 19 work, duplication, DVD, DVD Duplication, help, Helpful HInts, nhs
Posted in Charity, communication, Customers, helping you | Comments Off on HELPING THE NHS: 1st May 2020