Duplication Centre

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Posts Tagged ‘lockdown’

Government Test Events: 1st July 2021

Thursday, July 1st, 2021

As part of the Government research programme a 4 day event is due to be held at Henham Park in Suffolk; hopefully as part of the slow introduction of  bringing live music back to us all.

You can read more about it here:



Massive Price Reduction: 3rd June 2021

Thursday, June 3rd, 2021

We have massively dropped the prices on all our Card Products.

As venues start to reopen we want to give you a helping hand to stock up on your merchandise, and at the same time promote our Eco-Friendly Card Products.

These include:

Single Card Wallets

Double Card Wallets

4 Page Lancing Packs

4 Page Digi-Paks

Check out these products and prices on our instant price calculator via this link or by returning to the home page :


We can’t be beaten on Quality or Price; all our card is Premium 300/350 gsm Pro Stock & is Die Cut for an immaculate finish.

colourful lady with multi-coloured hair and cool sunglassescard lancing pack with cd with woman and man in swimming costumes and a booklet


BBC Young Musician of the Year:26th May 2021

Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

The BBC’s annual award for Young Musician of the Year was awarded to a 17 year old from China, Fang Zhang; most unusually his instrument being percussion, he plays marimba, snare drum timpani and vibraphone.

The delayed final for 2020 was in held in Manchester.

His performance “deeply moved ” the judges & is a great testament to the power of music to touch hearts.



Price Decrease on all our Card Products: 20th May 2021

Thursday, May 20th, 2021

We have massively decreased the price of all our card products…why?

Two reasons:

To give you a boost as we get back to normality, with live venues opening again; it will make your money go a bit further!

To promote the use of eco-friendly card products in our industry, which is historically  very plastic orientated.

The price drop includes single card wallets, double card wallets, lancing packs and digipaks.

card wallet and cd picture of Harry Redknapp football pundit and ex manageropen 4 page lancing pack with picture of countryside and a man and a woman

All our other prices remain as they were, which is still very competative.

Have a look using our instant price calculator.


Live Performances back with Emmotion:18th November 2021

Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

As live performances start again i read this lovely article about the first post lockdown comedy show.

For many, how they earned their living became illegal for the last year, and it is with great joy and emmotion that they start to rebuild their livelihoods.


concert live music stage audience

Merchandise is a brilliant way to supplement your income.

Check out our latest CD, DVD & BLU-RAY prices, recently dropped to give you a little extra help during this time.


Packed Pilot Festival: 4th May 2021

Tuesday, May 4th, 2021

The city of Liverpool hosted a pilot concert last weekend.

No restrictions, no masks….just a covid test before entry…..so theres hope !!!

Live music is on its way back!

This BBC article is a good read.


The Clock is Ticking for Music Festivals:29th April 2021

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

Life is slowly returning to “normal” in many sectors of life and in the business world.

The question mark over live music festivals is still looming large for this summer.

In particular relating to risk levels and whether insurance can be given to organisers to allow them to plan ahead.

woman music festival hands and wrists with bands


Another BBC news article gives a good account of some of the issues relating to this.


A Customer’s Story: 22nd April 2021

Thursday, April 22nd, 2021

At the start of the first lockdown, I was furloughed and wanted to try do a project I had been wanting to do for years but never had the time for. Making a song a day for a whole month. So, I decided to make a song a day for thirty days. I was doing a masters in music innovation at Waterbear in Brighton at the time and thought it would also be interesting to write about for an upcoming essay.

The songs were uploaded daily to my bandcamp and I would post about them every day on social media and it was really lovely having a very small group of people keeping up with the project daily and getting feedback constantly and feeling like I was creating something original.

Anyway, people were asking if I would make a CD, and I wanted to see if I could keep the CD’s in ethos with the project. I had gotten really into the number thirty and I liked the symbolism of having thirty cds for thirty songs. I also loved how each day in the project I had to try create something new and so I wanted each CD to be new and differentand so I liked the idea of painting each one.

In the end it was difficult and challenging but really exciting seeing everyone getting unique CD’s! I also painted a lyric poster for every song so you would get a numbered print and cd. I sold them through Resident Music in brighton and sold out like 6 hours after putting it up for preorder! It was really rewarding.

I then made thirty days 2 and 3 and for the second decided to have the cd’s more conventionally made through your site but had custom badges and for the third I am going to put an order through soon for conventional CD’s again but will be making thirty unique hand made tiny zines with lyrics and drawings in them.

young male customer holding hand painted double card walletwater colour double card wallet hand painted solo project 30 dayshand pained card wallet and colour printed cd covid 19 project

Raf’s story is both inspiring and heart warming.

We love to hear about our customers projects…the more detail the better. It gives us great pleasure to work with cutomers and see the final product that they are achieving.


If you want to speak to us about a project that you may need some advice with drop me an email :

una@duplicationcentre.co.uk or call us on 01702 530354 we would be happy to chat and help you where we can.


If you want more information on Raf Batchelor’s story , you can follow him on FaceBook.


The Grammy Awards reflect a very different year! 8th April 2021

Thursday, April 8th, 2021

An interesting read as we move out of the restricted year that we have all had!!






Old School Media Entertainment:16th March 2021

Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

With all the massive benefits of the digital world, the physical world of Vinyl, CD’s , DVD’s & Blu-Ray have given many people great diversion and entertainment, particularly during Lockdown.

There is room for all of these in our diverse world.


vinyl LP's being looked through

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