Duplication Centre

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Posts Tagged ‘make money’

Making Money From Music – Get The Mix Right! 9th May 2019

Thursday, May 9th, 2019

The sharpest customers we deal with no longer rely on any one way to make money from their music.

Remember that the fresh way to approach making money is to have a mix of content available for your fans:

  • Via Your Website
  • Via Social Media
  •  After Gigs

These will include digital downloads, merchandising and of course the opportunity to buy CD’s and DVD’s in hard copy….and if you’re doing this you have all bases covered.

singer clapping on stage , audience clapping happy muic gig

Another tip is to make yourself available after gigs to sign your CD’s…providing  a memory that people love to keep!

Check out our instant price calculator to get a quote for your CD’s/DVD’s & BluRay’s to sell at your gigs.


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