Posts Tagged ‘Music’
Wednesday, January 29th, 2020
Music is the Universal Language of Mankind…how true this is!!!
With or without lyrics music can be enjoyed by any person of any nationality!
Keep playing and enjoying your music!
Maybe even take up a new instrument!
It’s so interesting to read the wealth of good that can come from learning a new instrument.
Have a look at the web-site below
Tags: advice, CD Duplication, Helpful HInts, Music, publish, technology
Posted in communication, Customers, helping you, learning, music | Comments Off on The Beauty of Music: 29th Jan 2020
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020
We are delighted to still be bringing to our customers such high quality CD’s , DVD’s & Blu-Ray.
If you’ve been considering putting your music onto disc, come to us for help and advice for the best results for you.
Although our most popular products are the eco-friendly card products we still do the full range of traditional plastic cases, and where we can we buy eco-friendly or recyclable plastic.
Give us a call if you need any help with your order; we have both technical and administrative staff to guide you through.
Tags: advice, CD Duplication, DVD Duplication, eco friendly, Environment, Helpful HInts, Music, printing, publish
Posted in Customers, Design, helping you, Helping You Decide, music, Secrets to selling, Selling Your Music, The Environment | Comments Off on New Year,New Project: 22nd Jan 2020
Friday, December 20th, 2019
Our opening hours over the Christmas Season are:
Open until 5pm on Monday 23rd December 2019 and then we are closed until 9 am on Monday 30th December 2019.
Closed for New Years Day but open again on Thursday 2nd January 2020 at 9 am.
We continue to process all orders and our last courier pick up is Monday 23rd in the afternoon.
Duplicating CDs
Tags: advice, CD Duplication, DVD Duplication, help, Helpful HInts, Music
Posted in Customers, helping you, Helping You Decide, music, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on Opening Hours over Christmas and New Year: 20th Dec 2019
Friday, December 13th, 2019
You still have time to place your orders with us and receive them before Christmas.
We have an incredibly fast turnaround time and will always help with a rush order if we can.
Give us a call on 01702 530354 or visit the instant price calculator to place your order:
Tags: advice, BluRay, CD Duplication, duplication, DVD Duplication, Music, posting, publish, selling
Posted in Customers, Design, helping you, Helping You Decide, music, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on Still time For Christmas Orders: 12th Dec 2019
Thursday, December 5th, 2019
Still time to stock up or buy for the first time CD’s, DVD’s & Blu-Ray’s to sell at Christmas Gigs and Productions.
Last date to get your master and art to us for your order to arrive before Christmas is Midday on Thursday 19th December.
We are always happy to help you out if we can, with tight deadlines …call us on 01702 530354 and see if we can help you.
Tags: advice, artwork, BluRay, CD Duplication, customers, Design Tips, Disc design, DVD, help, Helpful HInts, Music, selling online, Technical
Posted in Customers, Design, helping you, Helping You Decide, Secrets to selling, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on CD’s,DVD’s & BLU-RAY’s for CHRISTMAS: 5th December 2019
Tuesday, November 19th, 2019
Now is a good time to start to get organised for your Christmas Production to be duplicated with us.
Every year we work closley with many schools and clubs to make sure they can have their DVD’s of the School Christmas Play in time to give out for the end of term.
We have a 24 hour turnaround and always work with you to ensure that if we can, we will meet your deadlines.
Give us a call on 01702 530354 or speak to us on live chat and we will help you work out timings to suit your deadline.
Tags: DVD Duplication, help, Helpful HInts, Music, performances, printing, publish, schools, selling, selling online, timescales
Posted in Customers, helping you, Helping You Decide, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on Schools and Clubs:19th Nov.2019
Friday, October 11th, 2019
In the growing age of Streaming Music & TV services by companies like Spotify, Amazon, Netflix & YouTube we have seen very little change in the purchase of Hard Copy CD’s ,DVD’s & Blu-Rays here at Duplication Centre.
At a concert in London last year we chatted to the members of Accousic Alchemy after their set at Pizza Express Dean Street.
Did you know how little the artists make when you download or listen to them via streaming…its appauling… to nothing!!…so we bought one of their cds and they signed it for us …that’s the way to show your appreciation to musicians!!
We encourage you to still do the same….build up your collection in hard copy as well as digital download… a hard copy at a festival or gig or music shop and lets really support musicians!
Tags: BluRay, CD, CD Duplication, CD Mass Production, customers, digital download, DVD, hard copy, Helpful HInts, Mp3, Music, publish, selling, selling online, spotify, streaming, support musicians, Technical, Technical Discussion, youtube
Posted in Customers, helping you, Helping You Decide, music, New Technology, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on Support Musicians….. 11th Oct 2019
Friday, October 4th, 2019
It’s nearly two years now since we moved our phone lines from a Call Centre, to taking your calls directly here at our office and production rooms.
This has meant better and quicker service for our customers who can get speak to experienced and knowledgeable staff straight away .
We have found this more hands on approach in the company has led to us getting to know our customers needs and requirements more, and so provide an even faster response when you most need help .
We love to advise and help with new customer enquiries sharing our wealth of experience with you to help you get the right product.
Call us on 01702 530354 and let us help you with your CD, DVD or Blu-Ray duplication
Or visit the web-site for live chat and general information in our FAQ & Weekly Blog.
Tags: advice, artwork, BluRay, CD, chat, customers, duplication, DVD, expertise, Helpful HInts, Music, Technical Discussion
Posted in Customers, helping you, Helping You Decide, How To...! | Comments Off on Helping with your order: 4th October 2019
Friday, September 20th, 2019
Here at Duplication Centre we offer the fastest service of any in the industry.
We have 24 hour turnaround and in some instances if you talk to us…faster than that.
We always try to help customers if they get in a tight spot 🙂
It’s always worth giving us a call …if we can help we will; sometimes customers will come and collect their orders directly from us to save time.
Give us a call if you need help or advice.
Tags: call us, cds, duplication, DVD, Fast production, help, Helpful HInts, helping customers, Music, selling, Technical, turnaround
Posted in Customers, helping you, Helping You Decide, How To...!, Selling Your Music | Comments Off on 24 Hour Turnaround: 20th September 2019