We are very proud to tell you that last week our MD Martin Johnson had two tracks from his recordings released on Vinyl & CD
The tracks are part of a double CD and Vinyl compilation of Jazz Dance Fusion.
I thought it was worth reminding our customers that at Duplication Centre we also specialise in Waterproof Print.
Using our State of the Art Richo Pro C7100sx we produce waterproof print in 300 gsm and 170 gsm for outdoor pursuits,outdoor cafes & restaurants, aqua sport and other marine needs, maps, walking & hiking, leaflets & flyers….and the occasional poster for a lost cat!!!
I have to add in here, post Covid pandemic, that our waterproof stock is perfect for any use that you have where you need to constanty wipe or clean the paper.
We are proud to say that among our customers we have the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds who use our waterproof books in their bird hides and pond dipping areas where wipeable paper is essential.
As live performances start again i read this lovely article about the first post lockdown comedy show.
For many, how they earned their living became illegal for the last year, and it is with great joy and emmotion that they start to rebuild their livelihoods.
Merchandise is a brilliant way to supplement your income.
Check out our latest CD, DVD & BLU-RAY prices, recently dropped to give you a little extra help during this time.
The day after the latest Lockdown announcement musicians are still left wondering when live music will get back to some sort of normal.
Sharing with you a BBC article from yesterday evening….as usual its a good read.
We have started to share Amazing Artwork and Important News on Instagram.
Dont miss out on seeing some inspiring and cool art from customers along with Important News and Offers.
Follow us on Instagram..and keep in touch …