Duplication Centre

CD, DVD, Blu-ray duplication

01702 530 354

24 Hour Turnaround

Posts Tagged ‘schools’

Schools and Clubs:19th Nov.2019

Tuesday, November 19th, 2019

Now is a good time to start to get organised for your Christmas Production to be duplicated with us.

Every year we work closley with many schools and clubs to make sure they can have their DVD’s of the School Christmas Play in time to give out for the end of term.

We have a 24 hour turnaround and always work with you to ensure that if we can, we will meet your deadlines.

Give us a call on 01702 530354 or speak to us on live chat and we will help you work out timings to suit your deadline.


School Christmas DVDs over 5 years of productions with childrens artwork covers


nativity scene for christmas colourful sky with stars mary joseph and jesus in crib

Working with Young People

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

We have worked for many years with Rookie Rockstar’s who work with Young People to help

improve their mental health and well being. Another recent customer Afan Arts also work with Young People to to help them realise their potential and ability often in the face of difficulties.

Rookie are based in Scotland and part of their work which involves our support is in their schools programme.

They go into Primary Schools and give the children the opportunity to work with professional musicians and singers and learn original songs; then to record a CD ,which we duplicate and pack in a card wallet with art designed by the children from the school.

We then send these direct to the school for each child to have a copy.

The children also perform the work in a concert.


Our recent work with Afan Arts who are based in Wales was a DVD “B is for Bully”.


A wonderful phrase on their website summarises anti-bullying that both these charity’s are working to elimate:

A lot of problems would disappear if we talked to each other instead of about each other.

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